Dental Surgeon

Laurence Shindler
Principal Dentist at the St Johns Wood surgery

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Dr Laurence Shindler (Laurie) graduated from The London Hospital Dental School (University of London) in 1970.  He then worked for 4 years in Maxillo-Facial Surgery at The London Hospital, Plymouth General & West Middlesex Hospitals. Finishing as Registrar at Cheltenham & Gloucester Hospitals before going into general practice in 1974.

Laurie has been the principal dentist at the St Johns Wood surgery since 1976. In addition he was appointed as staff dental surgeon to St Marys Hospital in 1985, a position he held until 2011.  He is a member of the Kensington Chelsea and Westminster Local Dental Committee of which he was vice-chairman for over 20 years. Also served on various dental committees of the Westminster Primary Care Trust.

Laurie maintains an up to date knowledge of the latest developments in dentistry by regularly attending courses and lectures.

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